- Arts & Culture
- Building & Housing
- Education
- Emergency Services
- Energy
- Environment
- Health
- Insurance & Finance
- International Development
- Iwi & Māori
- Justice
- Labour Market
- Local Government
- Primary Industries
- Public Sector
- Regulatory
- Science & Innovation
- Sports & Recreation
- Transport
- Welfare & Social Services
Almost all aspects of our daily lives are regulated - from the food we eat for breakfast, to our experiences at work and the daily experiences of our children – from processes for developing and building land, to the management of natural resources and the conduct of markets and commerce. Regulations are designed and administered by over 20 government departments, 78 local authorities and a large number of Crown entities, professional bodies and other organisations. How well regulations are designed and administered is vitally important to our quality of life and our economic competiveness. Events such as the leaky building crisis and the whey milk protein scare are reminders of how much we rely on effective regulatory frameworks and of the social and economic costs of regulatory failures.
Our expertise
We have skills and experience in:
Working with industry and government to find fresh approaches to regulation that are better and more business-friendly
Advising on best-practice approaches to regulation
Leading reviews of regulatory frameworks and policies and how they are administered
Providing specialist economic and financial inputs to improve regulatory design and administration
Supporting implementation of regulatory policy
Assessing the costs and benefits and the economic, social and environmental impacts of different regulatory options
Evaluating and advising on the performance of regulatory frameworks and policies.
Our clients
Government departments
Crown entities
Local authorities
Private companies and corporate
Industry associations.
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Managing Principal | Pou Mātāmua -
Jess Ashley
Senior Consultant | Kaiwhiriwhiri Matua